Software Engineering and Coffee: Far away from craftsmanship but close

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Software engineering can be likened to the journey of a coffee bean from its origin in lush fields to being enjoyed as a delicious cup on one’s morning table. At first glance, both may appear mundane commodities in today’s modern world; yet upon further inspection it becomes evident of all of the intricate processes, decisions, and craftsmanship involved with each product - just as coffee beans come from various places while software emerges from different minds and experiences.

Consider the regions: Ethiopian beans are thought to have been among the first discovered, offering an intriguing blend of fruity, wine-like, floral notes that recalls software’s early days when lines of code were first written with unbridled creativity and innovation. Meanwhile, Java beans from Indonesia provide full-bodied earthiness, much like foundational languages and programs supporting today’s digital architectures.

As in software practices, a Colombian roast is likened to mature software practices: reliable, well-understood and accessible to everyone - like established algorithms or mature coding languages that have stood the test of time. Blends from various regions roasted to perfection serve as analogies for integrated software systems where different parts with their own functionalities come together in harmony to deliver an ideal user experience.

As with the origin, roast itself can serve as an indicator. Light roasts protect a bean’s original flavours - much like open source software which retains its core essence through community development - while dark roasts alter them completely to produce bold and robust flavours, similar to optimised proprietary software tailored specifically for performance and specificity.

“The art of coffee brewing and software engineering, at first glance, appear to be worlds apart, each weaving its own intricate patterns. Yet, when the essence is distilled, they converge in a dance of creativity, precision, and profound impact. Both are symphonies of art and logic, disparate in their mediums, yet harmonious in their quest to enrich the human experience.”

A humble software engineer in need of coffee

French press, espresso and cold brew methods of brewing can all be seen as metaphors for software execution. While certain applications require heavy hardware utilisation akin to an espresso shot’s intense and concentrated burst of caffeine; others such as background apps or utilities might operate more gradually and consistently similar to how cold brew steeps slowly over time.

<figcaption>Cold brew coffee from Sandows London

Cold brew coffee from Sandows London

Yet despite these complexity, both coffee and software offer unique experiences that leave their mark. A well-crafted app, like an excellently prepared cup, can energise, excite or provide solace; its success not solely determined by code but by human craftsmanship, passion and experience.

As both code and coffee have become ubiquitous in our lives, it’s important to recognise their artistry. Every time you sip your cup, remember the many decisions, processes, hands, and creative input involved in its production; similarly when using an app remember the logic and creativity that creates such an enjoyable user experience. Both coffee and software engineering are not simply products; they represent journeys through craft making experiences of global collaboration.

Book recommendation: The World Atlas of Coffee: From Beans to Brewing – Coffees Explored, Explained and Enjoyed

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